Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet - 655 Words

Anguish is conceived in love and death. William Shakespeare creates turmoil through his language in Romeo and Juliet. His tragedy shows how hate and love coincide with one another. Throughout the play, Romeo and Juliet’s passion for each other keeps them together, but eventually kills them both. Shakespeare creates the conflict through his language. His use of similes, metaphors, and verbal irony set the mood for his play. The way these components flow together create the atmosphere that made this misfortune legendary. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare uses similes often. For example, he uses a simile to show Lord Montague’s worry for Romeo. Montague goes on to say that Romeo is â€Å"So far from sounding and discovery/As is the bud bit with an envious worm/ Ere he can spread his sweet leaves to the air† (I.i.158-160). The simile in this scene is used to express how Romeo guards his emotions tightly, just as the bud of a flower holds itself tightly until it is com fortable enough to spread its leaves to the air. Furthermore, a simile is found when Romeo is describing love before the Capulet’s party. Due to his heartache from Rosaline, Romeo says, â€Å"Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, Too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like a thorn† (I.iv.25-26). Romeo is comparing love to a thorn because it is painful. Love teases you and can hurt your heart, just as the thorn of a rose hurts if you touch it. Lastly, when Romeo is sneaking around the Capulets’ party and spots Juliet,Show MoreRelatedThe tragedy of Romeo and Juliet1000 Words   |  4 Pages «The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet » written by William Shakespeare (1564-1616). The plot of the tragedy for the modern people can be fantastic, but the feelings so accurately and piercingly transmitted by author are real.  «The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet » is the story about a real, strong , no children’s love of two young people from two different feuding f amilies, about Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague, about two lovers who couldn’t live without each other. Only young, clean, Ð ½Ã µ Ã' Ã ²Ã' Ã ·Ã °Ã ½Ã ½Ã'‹Ð µ Ð ¿Ã'€Ð µÃ ´Ã'€Ð °Ã' Ã' Ã'Æ'Ð ´Ã ºÃ °Ã ¼Ã ¸Read MoreThe Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet671 Words   |  3 PagesIn the play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare there are many occurrences that lead to tragic events. Many people caused or had a part in the tragedy in this play. One example is, Mercutio cursed the two houses before he died and the result was Friar John never sent Romeo the letter with the plan of faking Juliet’s death. These tragedies help shape the plot of the play. One tragic event will start a chain reaction that will lead to another tragic event. According to Matthew J. Bolton, Mercutio wasRead MoreThe Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet1081 Words   |  5 Pages It is truly a tragedy when two people, who are deeply in love, kill themselves; it is much worse when one of their closest counselors and confidants is to blame for their tragic ending. Friar Laurence is the most to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s death because he didn’t get parental consent to marry Romeo and Juliet, he lied to everyone about whether Juliet was dead or not, and he was the one who provided Juliet with the potion that eventually lead to the death of both young people. Read MoreThe Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet1040 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet† was written by William Shakespeare (1564-1616). The plot of this tragedy can be fantastic for modern people, but the feelings, which are so accurately and piercingly transmitted by the author, are real. â€Å"The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet† is the story of the really strong love of two young people from two different feuding families. Juliet Capulet and Romeo M ontague are two lovers who couldn’t live without each other. Only young, clean, unprejudiced people such asRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet1993 Words   |  8 PagesShakespeare s The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the Capulets selfishness and rage, Nurse s passiveness and moral abandonment, and Friar Lawrence s hastiness and insensitivity causes Romeo and Juliet s alienation and desperation, showing the link between a lack of sensible guidance and rash decisions. Lord and Lady Capulet s explosive anger and selfishness alienate Juliet, teaching how a lack of sensible guidance leads to impetuous choices. Before the Capulet party, Lady Capulet asks Juliet, How standsRead MoreThe Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet543 Words   |  2 Pages ‘’For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo’’ – William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet are star crossed lovers and their lives are cut short by death. Are family wishes hazardous, or is it deadly to have flaws? Is the victim at fault here? In the play, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare provides several of actions and influences that caused Juliet’s tragedy. The death of Juliet can be blamed on multiple factors. It is clear that she is partiallyRead MoreRomeo and Juliet, Tragedy or Romance791 Words   |  3 PagesRomeo and Juliet, Tragedy or Romance? What determines what a true love story is? Many events in Romeo and Juliet make the audience question whether or not they are truly in love or are just blinded by a false or not true version of a not so deep feeling. Romeo and Juliet is a famous love story but it stands out compared to other love stories. Romeo and Juliet continue to be a true love story to this day. They are married at a young age and differentiate from other love stories, it’s still consideredRead MoreRomeo and Juliet as a Tragedy Essay1553 Words   |  7 PagesRomeo and Juliet as a Tragedy Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, which was written by William Shakespeare in 1599. The Elizabethans totally believed in fate, they believed that your destiny was fated. They also believed that fate was fickle, it could change, one day everything would be good and the next day things could be really bad. If you challenged fate, it would take up the challenge. 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William Shakespeare’s famous and celebrated tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, depicts several instances in which the title characters, though still naà ¯ve, behave more responsibly and maturely than the misguided adult figures in their lives–those of the Houses of Capulet and Montague, especially Juliet’s parents, and

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